Thursday, April 29, 2010

Serfs vs Lords

So if I was living in the middle ages being a serf would suck. All they have to look forward to is waking up the next day. They can't even marry without the consent of the lord they are living under. True, you could save up your life savings and maybe by the time you are like 60 you could buy your freedom...But'd be 60:-/

But then if you're the lord! All you have to do is defend your fellow peeps! And you have knights and the like to help ya out so you're not even on your own with that. Wake up, pray, settle land disputes, pray, eat lunch, pray, practice the sword, pray, listen to music and watch the jesters....damn...I think i'd choose Lord over a Serf anyday

Friday, February 5, 2010


So after reading the story I find that it is really funny how half the people are deadly afraid of the prophecies, and then Jocasta thinks all of them are false!

It turns around to bite her in the ass when all of the prophecies come true in the end and she later on hangs herself and Oedipus stabs out his own eyes with her robe pins so he'll never have to see his mom/lover again.

Then in the next part I think it is really funny how Oedipus says he'll never side with his sons again because they didn't help him when he was exiled. But it was Oedipus himself that told Creon to send him away...

So this is most definately a tragidy....Haha

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

The Iliad and Troy

I really liked The Iliad and plan on reading it again sometime when i'm at work or actually have time to sit down and enjoy the whole story of Achilles and the two armies in the book. The hardest part I have had with the story have been remembering all the names and deciphering who is who and which names go to which sides and so on, but over all I think it was a very interesting story.

So I just finished my film review for Troy. When I was doing this i was just thinking about the cloths and armor they wore back then. The cloths seemed to be made of wool or cotton or something like that but seemed that if we had that same stuff these days everyone would be walking around with rashes on their butts from the coarse fabric! And then the the movie Troy arrows just went right thru and nothing seemed to even be slowed down by the stuff they wore to protect themselves. The only usefull thing they had on them was the shield and that was so big that it took all their strength to haul around and forever to swing around to protect yourself if you were in the heat of the battle. I just thought this was kind of funny I guess and wrote a little about it in my review.

Monday, January 18, 2010


So today in class I learned that Life = SunShit. Probly the coolest thing I've heard in a long time. The Sun is pretty much a huge butthole and it shits out 'SunShit'. Nuff said I think:-)